There are things that I once explained in a book and then copied and pasted them into a dozen other books and then thought to myself “Everyone has really got that down pat now, I don’t need to go over it again”. And then I realise: Nope. Of course, I […]
Newsticker: Influenza nonsense
Another newsletter came out today. “OM system ambassador Chris Poplawski presents his favourite functions of the OM-1MarkII”. As I’m about to finish the book about the OM-1II, I’m naturally curious to see if the specialist has found anything that I haven’t. So have a look. Here’s the link without all […]
OMDS and sustainability
I have already mentioned it several times. Most recently in November last year. The topic of sustainability. The brown cardboard box printed with environmentally friendly ink was sold to us as brutal progress and a sustainability report officer had now been appointed. That’s marvellous. They have obviously realised that they […]
Maitani-Fan: Anekdoten
Als Maitani an einer Werksschulung im Olympus-Werk in Suwa teilnahm, befand sich seine Unterkunft direkt neben einem öffentlichen Bad. Maitani pflegte morgens vor der Arbeit ein Bad zu nehmen.An einem solchen Morgen parkte der Fahrer eines Fernlasters sein Auto vor dem Bad und ging hinein, um ein Bad zu nehmen. […]