Everything can be improved

This quote comes from Clarence W. Barron , a journalist who made the Dow and the Wall Street Journal what they are today.

The launch of OMDS definitely has room for improvement. At least the website – in some places in English – is now online. However, you shouldn’t click on “Product / Support”, because then you end up on the old Olympus Imaging Asia page and then on “Contact us” at Olympus-Global, where you are informed that Olympus is no longer responsible for cameras, audio recorders and binoculars.

Word has got around that the webcam driver for the Olys will no longer be available after 31 December 2020, but it can still be downloaded. Here it is. Enquiry at OMDS if and when the driver will work again. As soon as I get a response, I’ll report it here.

A press release went out today, which essentially contains the speech by the new head of OMDS, Shigemi Sugimoto – you can also read it on the website – incidentally, pretty much the only thing you can read there.

There is still no shop and everything that is even roughly related to products is still on Olympus servers – and only in Japan. The shop, which was supposed to be online again on 4 January, does not exist, cameras etc. are all available at Olympus.de

At least the people who now work at OMDS can be reached at new e-mail addresses. And the company is officially no longer in Amsinckstraße in Hamburg, but in a coworking space at Domplatz GmbH | Domstraße 10 | 20095 Hamburg. (1 month coworking for 99 euros)

After all: OMDS is now said to have around 2000 employees worldwide and there are three locations:

Global Headquarters
49-3 Takakura-machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0033, Japan
Sasazuka Office:
Daiwa Sasazuka Tower, 1-50-1 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
Osaka Office:
Shin-Osaka Brick Bldg., 1-6-1 Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 532-0003, Japan

Things can only get better.

The fact that the company currently leaves a rather – hmmmm – shirt-sleeved impression to the outside world is probably due to the fact that the web team has allegedly unexpectedly hit the sack. In any case, the people who look after the Facebook presence of Olympus Germany, Austria & Switzerland are still or already back and want you to send them the best photos of the sunrise “to get the new day off to a good start”.

By the way, if you want to see what the room from the cover picture looks like now, click here.

5 Replies to “Everything can be improved”

  1. Wie sieht es eigentlich mit Cashback aus? Bei mir stehen noch 150€ von einem Objektivkauf neulich aus.

    1. Absolut keine Ahnung. Dein Vertragspartner ist vermutlich die Olympus Deutschland GmbH. Also die anrufen.

  2. Zu Cashback: Ich bin hier unsicher geworden. Kann man diese Aktionsprodukte überall kaufen (lokale Händler, Internet-Anbieter…) oder gibt es hier Beschränkungen?

    1. Ehrlicherweise würde ich persönlich im Augenblick nichts kaufen, wo Cashback drauf ist. Reden wir mal in zwei Wochen wieder drüber, wenn sich alles eingespielt hat.

      1. In zwei Wochen ist die Cashbackaktion beendet. Ich habe gestern was gekauft und konnte alles problemlos registrieren…

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