Vogue competition

Vogue is a household name? That’s right, it’s that magazine for starving models, designer clothes, luxury cosmetics and so on. They also do greenwashing so that the clientele on the yacht in St Tropez can have their blood diamonds polished with a clear conscience. But because they want to be all woke, they gender-bend and make fun of old white men – of course, they’re definitely not Vogue’s clientele.

But “visual talents” are of course the target audience, so Vogue has launched a competition.

The two artists who submit the most compelling work will also each receive a $5,000 grant to support their artistic development. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to have virtual one-on-one meetings with industry experts.

You can take a look at the jury here. If you’ve never heard of Condé Nast, it’s the publishing house that owns Vogue. (That would be a journalistic task for once, there seem to be some very exciting connections at work). (By the way: the publisher’s jury consists of 33 women and 12 men, the international jury of 29 women and 17 men. No guarantee, the pronouns preferred at the time of inclusion are not included. The power of the patriarchy is clearly noticeable…)

Why didn’t OMDS join in? Perhaps “Vogue” smells too much like a basement snapper, or the marketing department has too much to do with luxury cruises to read Vogue, or even the people at OMDS are too embarrassed by the greenwashing at Vogue. (When it comes to sustainability, they actually promote buying clothes that you can wear for the next 25 years. The rest of the magazine is all about the classic spring trends, which celebrities are now wearing which hairstyle and above all: ballerinas are totally out, please wear almond-shaped shoes now. And – of course – body positivity was yesterday. Wokeness and gendering are all well and good, but there mustn’t be an ounce of fat on your bones. ) But that’s pure speculation, as no other camera manufacturer is on board.

By the way: does anyone here complain about cameras that cost 2500 euros and are already outdated in two years? A pair of almond-shaped pumps from “The Row” for spring 2024: 1120 euros. No test and wow, no firmware updates either.

(BTW: Annie Leibovitz recently portrayed Simone Biles, a black sportswoman, and put her on the cover of Vogue. There were actually “photographers” and “photo editors” who thought they could do better and published their own “edits”. Because the dark skin tone needed to be improved. And others who complained bitterly that there was an old white woman behind the camera – and not a young black woman. At some point a few years ago, I must have lost touch with reality. I always believed that people should be treated regardless of their origin, faith, gender or skin colour. But I’m a racist, patriarchal boomer and have no idea……..)

If any of you enter and win – I’d love to hear about it….

8 Replies to “Vogue competition”

  1. „ Aber ich bin ja ein rassistischer, patriarchaler Boomer und habe keine Ahnung……..)“
    Vor allem bist Du ein „alter weisser Mann“ damit erklärt sich im heutigen Zeitgeist alles.

    Ich habe leider bei diesem Wettbewerb nicht mitgemacht, da ich ausgerechnet diese Ausgabe der von mir geliebten Vogue verpasste. Aber jetzt habe ich keine weitere Zeit mehr, um ausführlicher zu schreiben: ich muss los und schnellstens für meine bessere Hälfte mandelförmige Schuhe kaufen, bevor sie noch in eine peinliche Situation gerät…

  2. „Irgendwann vor einigen Jahren habe ich wohl den Kontakt zur Wirklichkeit verloren“
    Ich habe eher den Eindruck, als hätte die Wirklichkeit den Kontakt zum Verstand verloren.

    1. Wenn man mitmachen will: seid darauf gefasst, endlose Werbemails zu bekommen, wie toll die OM-5 ist und was man alles tolles damit machen kann. Natürlich alle in Englisch.

  3. Bin ich ein alter weißer Mann? Hier geht es zum Selbsttest


    1. OK. Frau Ciccone war noch nie meins und das Video ist es auch nicht. Bin ich jetzt zu jung oder zu alt?

      (BTW: HCO: “Is mer wurscht” 1986. Madonna “Nothing really matters” 1998. Wir waren 12 Jahre früher….)

      1. 38 Jahre später dann auch endlich bei mir angekommen. Danke, hat sehr viel Spass gemacht da reinzuhören und wird sicher noch öfter aufgelegt werden.

        Infos zu HCO gerne in Deinen Newsletter.

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