Sometimes you read something and have to write a blog post about it, sometimes things happen and sometimes someone simply comments.
This time it was M. Aldinger.
Double exposure and basilica – the first things that come to mind are Corsica and Moni. This is the Eglise Sainte Claire in Campiano. Right on the Magna Suttana. So there you go: basilica instead of basil. And outdoor.
I would also have outdoor again here:
Double exposure in Lama. Also Corsica. Also outdoor. So I don’t just take pictures in the basement. However, I don’t photograph landscapes with 600mm either. Not that I don’t have the stuff for it, but – what’s the point? Moni is photographed here with 19mm. If I want to do that with 600mm, I have to go to the next mountain peak and then I get Moni on it – and everything behind her is mud. And Moni too, because it’s warm in Corsica – and there’s nothing sharp to get from several hundred metres. And the double-exposed sun over a muddy landscape looks lousy – not to mention the fact that at 600mm, the sun would naturally fill half the picture.
So another basilica:
Eglise Saint Martin in San Martino di Lota.
Das nenne ich eine Antwort auf den Punkt gebracht. Korsika hat eine große Menge an malerischen Winkeln. Mit dem richtigen Blick und passender Technik lässt sich das auch genial darstellen.
Ich glaube, ich muss noch mal dort hin. Im Mai 2000 hatte ich nur das Motorrad mit einem Topcase dabei. Es ist nicht gut, auf den engen kurvigen Straßen zu breit zu sein. Keine Kamera dabei, aber dafür Bilder im Kopf, die bis heute halten.